I’m Giovanni 

Currently M. Sc. student in Industrial Engineering and Management, Major in Space Economy, passionate about the world of science and Space.

I also work as Genealogist freelancer: I help descendants of Italians who emigrated abroad in the last two centuries to reassemble their family tree.

Me visiting Italian Space Agency
Visiting National Air and Space Museum of France, Paris, July 2024

Why this site?

It’s a space where I delve into various topics, capturing my thoughts and reconstructing memories. This isn’t a website designed for a particular target audience or any specific purpose. It’s simply a personal blog – perhaps evolving into a platform that adds value to my personal brand or aids recruiters in gaining a deeper understanding of my personality and journey in the future.

Why this site?

It’s a space where I delve into various topics, capturing my thoughts and reconstructing memories. This isn’t a website designed for a particular target audience or any specific purpose. It’s simply a personal blog – perhaps evolving into a platform that adds value to my personal brand or aids recruiters in gaining a deeper understanding of my personality and journey in the future.

Visiting National Air and Space Museum of France, Paris, July 2024


I believe that sharing is an extremely important value. It is only through sharing that we are able to expand our views, compare and improve.

It is a value I (re)discovered during the Camino de Santiago: something you have learned, and perhaps keep to yourself, could be of extreme help to someone else.

This concept works very well in science and technology, where it is almost a must to share new discoveries in order to achieve progress. So why not share my thoughts? It might be helpful to learn more about myself and, perhaps, there might be some insights for you casual readers as well.

Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Povoa De Varzim, Portugal


Thoughts, notes, from any Italian student, as long as they are valuable content. Books, university notes, reflections, etc., whatever is on my mind but revised to bring value to both me and the eventual reader.

I believe that every piece of content, every reflection or every single word, can generate a ripple effect.

Sharing value means at the very least providing our thoughts with a chance to have weight in constructing the environment around us. Referring to a concept from Aristotle, I would like to grant my reflections being in potency at the very least, that is, the possibility of undergoing or enacting change.


Thoughts, notes, from any Italian student, as long as they are valuable content. Books, university notes, reflections, etc., whatever is on my mind but revised to bring value to both me and the eventual reader.

I believe that every piece of content, every reflection or every single word, can generate a ripple effect.

Sharing value means at the very least providing our thoughts with a chance to have weight in constructing the environment around us. Referring to a concept from Aristotle, I would like to grant my reflections being in potency at the very least, that is, the possibility of undergoing or enacting change.

Povoa De Varzim, Portugal

Anything else?

I am an extremely curious young student – I think this is the character that most distinguishes me. Once, Albert Einstein said:

Imagination is more important than knowledge: knowledge is limited, imagination embraces the world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution

I would add to imagination the same curiosity: before we imagine we must be curious. So was Faraday in observing electromagnetic phenomena, without any basic instruction in physics or mathematics. Curiosity moves the world and defines change.

Canazei, Italy

www.giovannidelvecchio.com // website created in 2023
Academic e-mail: giovanni.delvecchio@studenti.polito.it
Personal e-mail: giova098@gmail.com

All rights belong to Giovanni Del Vecchio© (I guess)