
M.Sc. student in Industrial Engineering & Management, curriculum Space Economy, at the Polytechnic University of Turin. I’m a student with a passion for research fields related to space, energy and modern physics. I’m currently a member of the European Center for Space Economy and Commerce (ECSECO), Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA), PoliTo Rocket Team (PRT), and PoliTOrbital Team

Space Week at the Italian Space Agency, representing SEDS Sapienza

Chief Operating Officer @PRT

I joined Polito Rocket Team in Oct. 2023, starting with the position of Operational Excellence Specialist, focusing my work on the development of team projects’ Gantt Charts during the first months. After that, I was upgraded as Logistics Division Lead, and from May 2024 I’m officially COO of the team, responsible for a wide range of activities. The team is engaged in rocketry competition, willing to partecipate at EuRoC 2024. Furthermore, thanks to the work we have done all together in the management side, we won the PLD Space Project Management Competition.

PRT at IRESS Conference, Padua, May 2024

Cost Engineer @ PoliTOrbital Team

I was part of the PoliTOrbital Team, in charge of conduct a comprehensive cost analysis and estimation related to an orbital flights business model. Thanks to this opportunity, I was able to show the team research results during the Aerospace Student Challenge, organized by ESA and other partners, in Paris, in July 2024.

Suborbital Day, Paris, July 2024

Vice President – Project Manager @SEDS

I was a member of the association from Mar. 2022 until Mag. 2023, serving in the roles of vice president and project manager. Together with all members we organized science outreach events, also starting a podcast with the help and support of Binario F in Rome, and participated in the CASSINI Hackathon 5th edition on Space Defense and Security, placing third nationally. On that occasion we also received congratulations from the Sapienza chancellor, Antonella Polimeni.

SEDS Italy Space Conference 2022

Head of Management and Logistics @ SFT

I was part of the Sapienza Flight Team SFT, student engineering team of the Sapienza Aerosapce Student Association, with the role of Head of Management and Logistics. I had the opportunity to support the Project Manager in drafting technical and managerial documentation (WBS, Gantt Chart, Business Plan) for the AUVSI SUAS Competition 2022.

AENEA III test flight

Genealogist @ DeOrigine

I’m a professional genealogist with over 6 years of experience in Italian genealogical research.

During the high school years, I started to develop my own business as a genealogist, in particular on the freelancer platform Fiverr, where I reached over 40 clients from all over the world, with all and only 5-star reviews.

Now I’m officially a freelancer working with numerous law and genealogy firms around the world. I’m also an Association of Professional Genealogists member (APG).

www.giovannidelvecchio.com // website created in 2023
Academic e-mail: giovanni.delvecchio@studenti.polito.it
Personal e-mail: giova098@gmail.com

All rights belong to Giovanni Del Vecchio© (I guess)